It’s V4.2.9 downloaded from about two weeks ago. Seems to be most recent.
Yup, got it.
This thread:
implies that the ATT thing is “open-device surgery”! Sounds complicated. I might need to go there, but will leave it to last.
Yes, it is connected that way.
Maybe not. Trying for much of the afternoon yesterday and was NOT hearing anything at all on the scanner… AARRGGHH!
Actually, I’m still not entirely sure what mode I should be using for this exercise. The stuff from the manual seems to imply that FM mode will not work for digital as when in FM the radio is expecting input via the handmic and is not paying any attention to the DATA jack. If the gateways are expecting an FM-modulated signal, and the FT-818 will not transmit audio recieved via the DATA jack when in FM-mode, then perhaps one simply cannot “do” VARA-FM with an FT-818? That seems to be a possibility.
Yes, am using VE3SMF-10.
Also tried with a more distant station, K2SLC, located 92 km away. It is the next closest to VE3SMF, which is only 9 km away. Still no joy with that either, in FM, PKT, or DIG modes; all still give the “no signal” error, as does VE3SMF-10.
Nope, couldn’t hear anything on the scanner, any mode, either Ping or AutoTune.
Found and tried an old one-eared headphone and plugged it into green audio socket of digirig, but didn’t hear anything.
So, let’s assume that there is no actual audio getting out.
There seem to be volume controls in Windows, in VARA, and on the radio itself. All of them are set for some non-zero number (Windows mic is minimal at 5% lest VARA be overdriven, but everything else is around 50% but I’ve played around with all the settings at this point with no change in “no signal” error).
Then what do I do? The ATT solution seems to be oriented towards turning the volume down, but I have no volume at all…
OK, done.
Have found and reached out to gateway owner via email but have not heard back yet.
Actually, CAT PTT was working for me yesterday afternoon, on all modes. Whatever fiddling I had done seemed to fix that problem, at least!