Winlink wont connect to server

I just received my digirig today and set it up with a Btech UV50x2 1st gen. I tested the cable to a previous posts instructions and everything seems to be working. When I try to use Vara FM or packet (via SoundModem) I don’t get connections. In packet mode, I get a response but I"m not getting a handshake. I’m assuming this is more of a soundmodem or winlink problem, but given the device, I thought there would be a good amount of knowledge on here.

Here is a snipet from SoundModem:
1:Fm KE8ZVX To W8CMN-14 [16:09:32T]
1:Fm W8CMN-14 To KE8ZVX [16:09:37R] [+++]
1:Fm KE8ZVX To W8CMN-14 [16:09:38T]
1:Fm W8CMN-14 To KE8ZVX [16:09:41R] [+++]
1:Fm KE8ZVX To W8CMN-14 [16:09:44T]
1:Fm W8CMN-14 To KE8ZVX [16:09:48R] [+++]
1:Fm KE8ZVX To W8CMN-14 [16:09:48T]
1:Fm W8CMN-14 To KE8ZVX [16:09:52R] [+++]
1:Fm KE8ZVX To W8CMN-14 [16:09:53T]
1:Fm W8CMN-14 To KE8ZVX [16:09:55R] [+++]

Thanks in advance,


Congratulations, you are getting your signal on the air and getting responses with best readability [+++].

Maybe show us some configuration screens for packet Winlink and soundmodem.

73 Constrainted

Thank you.

I’ve attached screenshots of the various settings.

Screenshot 2024-07-17 171546

Thanks for posting those. Please try TX rotation unset and AGWPE set in the soundmodem settings.

73 Constrainted

Thanks for the suggestion. Didn’t seem to help my cause. I’m kinda stumped here as the other station is calling back, so I know I’m getting out and PTT/sound is working. I can hear their response, which means that’s working. What would cause the lack of connection? Would I be better off trying another software TNC?

You can adjust TX delay to be a little smaller. If that does not work, consider trying Vara FM, which has some diagnostic capability like Ping and AutoTune.

73 Constrainted

i’m thinking it is “STE” in the btech radio?

so, the china imports have a ‘squelch tail eliminator’ usually enabled by default.

this ‘holds’ the transmitter up a fraction of second while ‘cutting off’ tx audio.
like a hang time.

what happens is the station/gateway you’re connecting to is replying to you before your radio is ‘ready’ or has actually unkeyed.

long ago we had to deal with turn around time or key/unkey speed of the radio.
now, it is built in ‘hang time’ on the china sdr radios.

i have a uv98 that has no ability to turn off the ste.
my uv-5r radios have a STE entry in the menu.
when turned off, the radio unkeys immediately.

good luck


I thought this too - I have STE, RP-STE, RPT-DL all set to off.

In SoundModem, winlink or both?

was my first thought when good signal in/out was present

Both soundmodem and Vara FM need the squelches off or set to 0. The radio should be running in simplex mode, with no offset, no PL tone.

73 Constrainted

I have my squelch set to 0. I tried messing with the delay. Shortening delay made it worse - no comeback from the station. I lengthened the delay and I started sending a challenge response but the other station didn’t acknowledge - no handshake was completed.

I’m thinking it has to do with the radio and it’s ptt delay. I’ll hook a handheld up to my house antenna and try on that too see if that is any better.

Let us know how it works out.

73 Constrainted

So I believe its the radio. I was able to hook up my TIDRADIO H8 and make connections very easily to the same station. I’d rather use the mobile but atleast I have a means of connecting. Thanks to both of you for you suggestions and help.

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Thanks for getting back to the forum with your news. I and others have gotten Baofeng UV-xx HTs to work with Digirig. Are the Btech HT’s clones of Baofeng or rebranded Baofeng?

There is plenty of APRS traffic around me. I tuned up my soundmodem delays for the Baofeng HTs by setting up APRS and adjusting up and down.

73 Constrainted

So the radio I was trying to get to work was a 50 watt mobile. It’s more like the qyt 8900 / radioddity qb25. The second generation has audio out over the rj45 connection. First gen (mine) has a TS out of the back. I think it’s the transceiver switching speed on mine not necessarily the series. In normal usage, I have to hit the ptt and wait maybe .5 to 1 sec before speaking. If I quick key, I won’t trigger a repeaters tone. If I do the simple kerchunk on my handheld, it will trigger the repeaters tone.