WSJT-X and FT-891

Followed the Digirig DR-891 Setup Manual step for step. Everything seems to work until I Enable TX. When I enable Tx i get two error messages.

  1. Error in Sound Input - An error occurred during read from the audio input device.
  2. Rig Control Error. I opened the details window and it states a Hamlib error.
    Hamlib error: rig_token_lookup called for client
    rig_confparam_lookup called for client
    rig_set_conf called
    rig_confparam_lookup called for client
    rig_set_conf: client=‘WSJTX’
    frontend_set_conf: Client claims to be WSJTX
    rig.c(944):rig_open entered
    rig_settings_get_path: path=\Users\Ike’s Insiron/.hamlib_settings
    rig_open: cwd=C:\WSJT\wsjtx\bin
    rig_open: C:\WSJT\wsjtx\bin/hamlib_settings No such file or directory
    rig_open: async_data_enable=0, async_data_supported=0
    serial_open: COM6
    serial_open(230): open failed#1 No such file or directory
    serial_open: Unable to open COM6 - No such file or directory
    port_open: serial_open(COM6) status=-6, err=No such file or directory
    rig_open: rs->comm_state==0?=0
    rig.c(1176):rig_open returning2(-6) IO error
    IO error
    IO error
    while opening connection to rig

Using the Digirig USB cables with Rf chokes on them.
Anyone have an idea how to fix this?

A good common mode choke on the feed line will take care of it.
Palomar Engineers stuff is good, but homebrew choke based on ferrite mix 31 may also work.

OK, you are saying a choke on the coax line going into the FT-891? This has nothing to do with the hamlib?

Yep, the RF coming back on the braiding of the coax kicks out the USB connection and then you get peppered with error messages. You can try sending at 1W and see if you still get any errors.

Many thanks K0TX! Dialed the power output down to 5 watts and all is fine. WIll install a feedline choke.
Appreciate you.


Thanks for reporting your results to the forum.

73 Constrainted

Yes, wsjtx is hypersensitive to rf unpredictability. try using a dummy load and see what happens. should work okay, 73 Ed w8eo