I’m trying to use Winlink and Vara HF with my g90 and digirig. It seems like I have everything setup correctly, and it seems like Vara HF is hearing audio from the radio, but I cannot get it to TX.
I am able to use WSJT-X via flrig to the digirig and g90 and make contacts that way, so I don’t think it’s a hardware issue. I must have something set incorrectly somewhere. Do I need / can I use flrig as the CAT control, or does Vara HF/Winlink handle that? I’ve tried both with and without flrig and various settings for com ports, ptt, etc and nothing works.
I know the digirig is on com 5 as I can see it in Device Manager, and it’s working with flrig/wsjt-x on com 5. What settings do I need to use for Vara HF and Winlink?
Current settings…
Vara HF:
TCP Ports - Command: 8300; Data: 8301; KISS: 8100
Accept 500 Hz connections: checked
Tuner enhancement: checked
CW ID: unchecked
KISS Interface: checked
RA-Board PTT: unchecked
Syslog: unchecked
Device Input: Microphone (3- USB Pnp Sound Device)
Device Output: Speakers (3- USB PnP Sound Device)
Winlink Vara HF settings:
Virtual TNC host address/name:
Virtual TNC Command Port: 8300
Data Port: 8301
Session Bandwidth: 2300
Enable 2750 Hz channels: unchecked
Vara Modem location: C:\VARA-HF\VARA.exe
Automatically launch Vara TNC when session is opened: checked
Show the Vara TNC screen when it’s loaded: checked
Select Radio Model: Manual
USB Digital: selected
Serial port to use: Com 5
Baud: 9600
Enable RTS: checked
Enable DTR: checked
PTT serial Port to use: External
What else am I missing here?