Xiegu G90 problems Digirig and WSJTx. Omni rig

Hi ,

I have been running my Xiegu G90 with Digirig. Wsjt-X version 2.7.1dev and have had hundreds of contacts and now Wsjt-X it has stop working fault keeps coming up

OmniRig: Rig is not responding

Audio is working signals coming in

I have checked all the settings. com port . baud rate etc nothing has changed

Also have uninstalled and reinstalled Wsjt-X and Omnirig several times. Rebooted computer still has the same problem. I have looked at a lot of videos on Y-tube and tried some of their suggestions without any luck.

Any suggestions ?

you can try running wsjt-x without the middleware just for troubleshooting.

but why omnirig would suddenly stop working, cabling is about it since you’ve already double checked serial parameters.