Yaesu FT-4X Help needed

Hi all, I’m new here so please be gentle. Although I have had my license many years I’ve been off air for over 20 years. Now that I’m retired i decided to dip my toe back in the water and bought the above handheld. I’m older now and the grey matter isn’t what it used to be so I’m looking for some help.
I bought the handheld new with the 2m repeaters pre programmed for me prior to delivery.
When I turn the radio on the display shows the repeater call signs and I scroll up and down with the up and down keys until I reach my desired repeater. So far so good.
My question is, how do I switch from the stored repeater frequencies to simplex then back to the stored repeater frequencies?
I tried to fathom it out myself using the manual but only managed to wipe out the stored frequencies. I sent it back to the place where I bought it and they kindly reprogrammed it for me.
Naturally I don’t want to make the same mistake again (even though I don’t know how I did it) so would appreciate it if someone could give me a step by step idiot proof guide.
Thanks in advance Gary

Going back and forth from frequency mode to memory mode, you push the button on the front panel at the very lower left marked V/M. It toggles back and forth from VFO to Memory. In VFO you can enter a frequency directly.
Programming repeater channels is a little more involved. Rather than try to write it and possibly miss a step, I’ll include a link to decent video that should help.

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Thank you so much. So easy when you know how. Thank you, I appreciate it.


True, but it’s certainly not intuitive.
73 de AI7KS

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