I have a Digirig RS-232 and new cables for the FT-920 and it works great with WSJT-X when used directly!
Baud rate 4800, Data Bits and Stop Bits default, no handshake, PTT Method of RTS, Mode Data/Pkt, and Split Operation Fake It.
I am having trouble with FlRig.
PTT button initiates transmit, but does not terminate transmit when unselected (turns yellow only for a moment).
Using WSJT-X with FlRig as the radio obtains CAT control, but PTT function and frequency changes result in aberrant frequencies; they may be multiplied or divided by 10.
I want to be able to use FlRig for other purposes such as Winlink, FlDigi, etc, where FlRig cat control and PTT function make it much easier.
Attached are the FlRig configs.