Im running a BAO UV-5RV2+ to be exact.
Using the Digirig cords (black in the black port), to soundmodem (UZ7HO), to pinpoint v2.1.
Im getting beacon to send, radio is keying, sound is coming through. B
But, im not getting anything back.
The one thing that I noticed is when it sends, on the waterfall it goes black then continues with the waterfall.
I can use pinpoint completely fine with my FT991A, but with the BAO on the digirig, no workie.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
You are likely very close to a solution, since you have PTT, waterfall display, and another radio that can confirm APRS traffic.
Denis K0TX has written a guide, Troubleshooting Digital Modes – digirig .
You may likely have already solved the issue, but I would check:
- squelch off or set to 0
- tail squelch off
- remote the antenna from the HT to reduce RFI.
- chokes on the antenna lead and USB cable for RFI
- TX delay setting in soundmodem (HT does not have the same capability as the base station)
- volume setting of the HT (narrow range of operation for digital modes in my experience)
73 Constrainted
SQ is at 0
Tail is off
The only way I can get it to even transmit is on TX LOW.
I think I may have just received a response, this maybe an antenna issue. I’m currently on the factory antenna. Waiting for my ZBM2 antennas (USPS sucks)
When I beacon, where does it get a response from?
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I could only get the Baofeng HT working digital modes with 10-50 ft of leadline to a roll-up jpole or a 1/4 wave magmount.
73 Constrainted
Then that’s probably why i’m not getting the beacon response is 9 miles away in down town. I’m sure the factory antenna wont reach that one.