I have a Digirig mobile and a Yaesu FT-8900. I am looking to create a Zello gateway. I have the Yaesu FT8xx cable set. I can get the radio to TX via the Zello gateway software, but there is no audio coming out and the radio when it receives a signal, it is not passing it through onto Zello. I have tried various settings in the software to get it to work but, so far can only get the radio to TX via the software but no audio. Thanks for any advice
Please share the screenshots of Zello configuration where you setup the sound card: input and output devices.
The only settings are TX (Pc to Radio) Device which is on COM11, and signal which is DTS HIGH and RX (Radio to PC) which is set to VOX.
With Digirig Mobile PTT should be configured to use RTS signal of Digirig’s COM port.
As far as sound devices are concerned, there got to be a configuration to select the correct audio devices for the software to use. I don’t have Zello system, but the images I find online for it show the relevant settings: