Btech UV50x2(Gen 2) with digirig mobile

Wondering if anyone is in the mood to help me troubleshoot. I have a Btech UV50x2 (2nd gen) that I have hooked up to a Digirig Mobile via the RJ45 jack using the manufacturers splitter/adapter connected with Kenwood cable to digirig.

I am using UZ7HO Soundmodem for packet and also using Vara FM with Winlink Express. Vara seems to transmit fine , tone sounds normal, and I can hear the transmission on another radio, but sadly I am too far away from the other station to connect. So that doesn’t seem to be an issue as that is the norm for me.

As far as packet winlink is concerned, I am fairly certain I have all my soundmodem and Winlink packet settings correct. The radio transmits the tone and I can see my transmission go out through soundmodem. I can also see other traffic on soundmodem so it seems to be working. Waterfall is pretty green in soundmodem so I don’t think it is an audio level issue.

Menu 61 on the radio is set to “EAR” and squelch wide open. When monitoring on another radio, I can hear my packet transmission tone, it attempts to connect to other station about 5 times and then just disconnects. However, regarding the packet tone I hear on transmit, it sounds more like a very short APRS burst than the slightly longer garbled tone I typically hear when I transmit packet on my other radios. Almost like it is getting cutoff during transmission. I have tried changing the TX delay settings up and down but it does not make a difference. I have no problems whatsoever hitting multiple packet stations and a digipeater in my area on my other radio (FT991A with a mobilinkd) so I am suspecting there is a setting in this Btech UV 50x2 that I have wrong or something I am just missing in soundmodem settings. Does anyone else have this radio they are using in this scenario? If so, can you share your radio menu settings and soundmodem settings?

Here are the settings I used for soundmodem (my com port and soundmodem location will differ from what is shown in instructions) and packet winlink.


Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

You can plug regular headphones into Digirig’s audio socket and monitor audio output (will hear on right side) independently from PTT. This will help you determine if the issue has to do with PTT or audio payload.

Ok, thanks.