I have the 891, with digirig configured and decoding ft8. The cat & ptt checks are okay. I do not have any rf output in ft8 mode. Power is set to 100 watts and the slider in wjstx is wide open. Any ideas? RF output is fine in SSB so not a radio issue.
Exactly same results after working out audio setting, and rig control (ptt and vfo) via the USB connection from the radio. I have fully checked audio config, validating audio out via headphones and checked the interface cable pinouts and continuity from the information available on the dr site. Audio is being produced, but not getting to the radio through the cable. The connection on the jack is 3 position TRS and the plug is TRRS - which I think is mis-aligning the Ground or an audio connection.
Or is there possibly jumps that are in place or missing within the DR device since it was ordered for Amazon and might need further config/prep to properly work with the FT-891. I validated it is not the port on the radio using my SignalLink.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
That sounds frustrating. It sounds like you have gone through many of the steps in the Troubleshooting Digital Modes – digirig. Another thread you can check is Cables for Yaesu FT-891 where users focus on PTT rather than CAT control. It is a good place to start.
If you think something is misaligned with the audio cables, reseat them so they are firmly in place. The audio cable is TRRS, that goes into the Digirig and the miniDIN-6 goes to the Yaesu. If you think you may have bought the wrong version of the Digirig, open up the case and take a look at the configuration pads.
You are very close to a solution. Keep going!
73 Constrainted
With FT-891 the serial side of Digirig is not utilized because the transceiver uses it’s own USB port for CAT control. Because of that Digirig’s serial port configuration doesn’t matter.
With audio output and cable pinout confirmed the troubleshooting should be directed at transceiver settings. For most complete repository of info on FT-891 please visit this thread:
Wanted to share that I had success after performing additional troubleshooting. I was working to set this up on a laptop for portable operations. I instead tried it on my home pc, and all worked as expected - ptt being handled via RTS or CAT. I was relieved that it wasn’t a DR hardware or a Radio issue, but now have to dig deeper on the laptop. Thanks for the support and creating such a great product.
@KB7YS Congratulations on your success. I am glad you felt comfortable achieving PTT via RTS as well as by CAT. I am sure you will get the laptop interface working soon.
73 Constrainted