Kenwood TS-450S "Test Cat" errors in WSJT-X

I was glad to hear from someone using the same type rig.
No luck with these settings. Same error messages.
Thank you,

Maybe try the 690 profile? Could you post back another screen snip?

Tried the TS690 profile, same results:

And here with the Digirig serial unplugged and a prolific usb to serial adapter plugged in:

Took the rig to my other shack this past weekend. Using windows 11 laptop there. Same symptoms. Using the same ports on the rig that the Digirig uses; I connected my old Signalink and the usb to serial adapter. Worked fine on WSJT-X.
Still no luck with the Digirig.

With the passing loopback test I tend to think that the issue has to do with the RTS/CTS hardware flow control signals required by the transceiver and not supported by Digirig (see info re TS-450S CAT issue).

Interesting that it works for Dave’s TS690.

It works with TS-690 and the rest of the radios. So far encountered this issue with TS-450 and no other transceivers.

Too bad. I had hoped to use the Digirig instead of the Signalink.
Thank you for your patience as well.
So does this mean there are no TS450 customers successfully using CAT with the Digirig?
TS450 cables sold even though they weren’t tested to work with the Digirig on the TS450?
Please note, I am not challenging!
Just want the darn thing to work.
If the answers to the above questions are yes; then I completely get it and understand.
I have established that:
It is not my home PC.
It is not my rig or it’s serial or Acc ports.

I will test the audio out side and decide if I want to keep it. I have yet to test the audio out.

I haven’t received any solid confirmations of TS-450 used with Digirig’s CAT control. Audio/PTT side and corresponding cable alone are enough to run digital modes so it is still compatible, but with an asterisk for the optional CAT control issue.

So setting the CAT aside and focusing on audio only- Audio into PC seems right. Audio shows zero power out on the rig meter. When I plug the headset into the Digirig, I hear the FT8 tones clearly and loud (with Windows audio settings at 50% out or I get a constant loud tone in the headset).
Why does the rig show no power on output?
I am on a dummy load with rig set to 50 watts and WSJT-X slider at full. If I send a CW carrier it shows the correct power out on the rig.

There must be a transceiver setting instructing it to take the audio from the accessory port vs. the mic.

Not that I can see. Here are the menu options:

Ok, with the audio confirmed out of Digirig the two possibilities are:

  • issue with the cable
  • issue with the radio (hardware or settings)

If you can confirm digital modes operating with another interface then we can rule out the radio side. Please try that. As for the cable, here is the pinout that you can ring on the cable with the continuity tester:

Solder side is displayed, the connections are mirrored when testing from the pins side.

Also, looking for the transceiver side settings I came across some that pertain to serial CAT control. It may be worth giving those a try:

  1. CAT RTS Disable
  2. CAT TOT 10
  3. CAT Rate 38400

Good information, thanks.
The rig works fine with my Signalink using the same connection (accy 2).
I will check the cable pinouts and those menu settings.

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On my cable, compared to your above diagram; Tip goes to pin 11. Ring 1 goes to pin 3.

On the settings you mentioned, can you help with the Kenwood terms? I can’t figure out which settings you refer to based on the menu list I attached.

That’s not right, I’ll be re-checking the inventory. Correct re-tested cable is in the mail.
If anybody else experience the same issue, please reach out via DM or email.

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Received replacement TS450 audio cable. Audio immediately worked correctly.

Did you see my question above regarding your comment on the CAT settings?
I would sure like to get CAT working.
As a reminder–It works perfectly with a 10 year old USB to Serial interface…

Thank you for confirmation re. audio cable. As for CAT control, my reply was that I wasn’t successful at getting it working reliably with TS-450 due to what I think is requirement for hardware flow control signals. I also didn’t get any positive confirmations from other operators.

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This comment. You got my hopes up.