No TX on IC706MK2

I’m Struggling here and need some please. I ordered the digirig mobile with the relevant cables for the ic706mk2g. I have been over and over the trouble shooting guides, completed the loop back test - ok, checked that the cable to the radio will put the radio into tx when the pins are shorted - ok.
I can receive and decode signals in wsjt-x and can change the frequency/bands all ok. For the likes of me I cannot get it to TX. I installed flrig, and again, I can control the radio but can’t get it to tx.
I’ve check board rates on com port on the PC, radio and wsjt-x settings. Even tried setting everything up in linux ubuntu, I’ve tried on win 10 & 11…same problem… I also purchased a new good quality usb data cable to suit with no change. I’ve run out of ideas and seem to be going over things that I have already checked, any help would be greatly appreciated… thanks in advance…

what comes to mind is:

with the 706, you must select PTT via com/serial port RTS instead of PTT via CAT/CI-V

so for example in wsjt-x;
settings → radio ‘tab’
on the left, you’ve got ‘cat’ control and have obviously selected the correct stuff because you can change freqs ok.

on the right hand side of that same page, PTT method should be RTS and the same comport number used for CAT/CI-V


lastly, are you using the 13 pin connector or the 6 pin mini din?

good luck

Thanks for the reply and information,

See screen shot of my wsjtx settings. Noting that Com 4 is my silicon labs driver port.
and both the radio and com port have been set to matching baud rates. (have tried 9600 and 19200).

Not sure where to g to from here…

Thanks again.



i’ll let @K0TX look this thread over.

you’ve done everything right that i can think of.
the test CAT is green in your screenshots, what happens on the test PTT?
error message or no indication of any kind?

the CI-V baud rate shouldn’t have any effect since we’re not using a CI-V command for PTT.

you can use whichever BPS for CI-V you like.
(i’ve always stuck to 9600bps but that’s the highest speed on my old IC-736 rigs)

since shorting the sleeve and ring2 puts your rig into tx, that leads to software but your screenshots look like mine (icom 736).

i’d then point to the jack not seated in the socket but you’re decoding so the cable is probably seated correctly.

the last thing is a MENU item on the radio itself.

check if VSEND is OFF.
if i remember correctly (i don’t have a IIG anymore), VSEND ‘divorces’ the HF from VHF/UHF PTT.

but then again, if it is PTT with cable shorting, it should be setup correctly already.


Thanks, I can confirm that MENU item 30 - VSEND on the Icom is set to off.

Also, there are no errors appearing in wsjtx when Test PTT is pressed. It stays Red until I press it again, however it doesn’t turn green. No action on the radio though. I seem to recall a video that Denis put together testing the PTT and Ground with a multimeter on the 13 Din plug when the Test PTT button is pressed, and it showing under 100 ohms. I can’t seem to reproduce this which makes me think that it is a setting on the PC.

Just an update,

I have set everything up on my laptop for kicks and giggles and the same fault occurs. I have complete control of my radio but will not active the PTT. Its either something I’m doing wrong or there’s a fault somewhere. Maybe a setting in need to change within the PC??

With the simulated PTT test working the cable and radio is out of the question.
Can you please inspect the solder connection of the black TRRS connector to the PCB?

Tt seems the black TRRS connector has dry joints. I put the tiniest amount of upward pressure on it and the socket came away from the PCB. Ill resolder and let you know the outcome. Are you ok with that?

problem solved… dry solder joints on the TRRS connector.

Thanks for your guidance Denis.

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Apologies that you had to deal with the problem and congrats on the successful fix.
Also thanks all for troubleshooting and helping in getting to the bottom of the issue.

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Thanks everyone appreciated!