Sound Issue Xeigu G90 & WSJT-X

Set up:
Xeigu G90 with latest software
New Digirig
flrig 2.0.04 interface application
WSJT-X with latest software
New HP Windows 11 Laptop
No audio on receive in WSJTX waterfall and no decode action. No signal indication on left-hand signal scale in WSJTX.
WSJT-X has complete CAT control of the G90 with no radio control issues.
I am not sure if I have set up the sound control in Windows 11 correctly or maybe I am missing some setting in flrig.

It sounds like you are very close to success. To check the Windows sound settings, I use mmsys.cpl to check the sound devices. I put AGC off, make sure the levels are reasonable, and make sure the devices are not disabled.
Sometimes they are recognized, but disabled which is frustrating.

73 Constrainted

OK, on playback the G90 speaker is set as default device. The Realtek speaker is set to default communication device. When I run test on both, the Realtek speaker chimes, but G90 test shows graphic response but know tone. My levels on G90 are set to 36 and levels on Realtek are at 28.
On Recording, G90 is set as default device with level of 20. The microphone array is set as default communication device is set as default communication device and level is set at 22
G90 radio AGC is set to off (2 bars)

Please check out this post:

Also, none of the defaults should be assigned to any of Digirig’s audio components.

I have been trying your settings on sound and found them to be wrong, so I now have the speaker as default device and USBPNP Sound Device as Default Communication device.
The Microphone Array is set to default and the USB PnP sound device is as Default communication device. I believe that should be the correct sound settings in my computer.
Now when I run Digirig and WSJTX and I am able to connect almost all is working fine, I can turn it on control frequencies. The system is now displaying the received stations in the Band Activity window and I am getting green bar on left. When I try to double click on a call, it puts the information in the right-hand window , but the G90 shows a red transmit light with no power out, just the sound from wsjtx being played through the g90 speaker. Not sure why my transmitter isn’t turning on???
Also what should be my opening and shutdown sequence for the digirig and wsjtx be for saving all my hard earned settings?

I’ll use this opportunity to explain the sound card default assignments and explain why none of them belong with Digirig components.

The default audio devices are used anytime the sound plays/recorded on the computer and there is no explicit device assigned in the app to handle it. When new sound card is connected for the first time Windows assumes (correctly in most cases, but not with Digirig) that this is what you want to use as a default device. In case of Digirig that means that if you don’t reassign the defaults then you will not hear any of the system’s beeps and boops or sound from YouTube videos etc. and instead that audio may end up on the air. We don’t really want that.

The default communication audio is the same as regular default, but it is related to voice over IP applications. Things like Skype calls, video calls etc. The purpose of this separate default is to give you the option to have a headset for calls while the regular audio would use computer’s speaker. If this default is not reassigned then you’ll blast FT8 sounds at the unfortunate caller if you happen to have a VoIP call on the computer.

With above in mind I reiterate that all the defaults should be moved from all Digirig’s audio components. This also means that in the digital modes app you need to explicitly assign Digirig’s audio components as source and destination for audio. In WSJT-X it is done in audio tab of settings form.

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Thanks Denic,
I Finally got it up and running!

WA5PQL will be active on the ham bands till last signal heard!


Thanks for this explanation. I have not seen this anywhere else…

73 Constrainted

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I finally got mine running last night. It was the default sound card issue. Thanks for your help!

WA5PQL will be active on the ham bands till last signal heard!


Congratulations! Thanks for giving us the good news!

73 Constrainted