Xiegu G90 1.80 Firmware - DigiRig + FLRig + WSJTX = FLRig Crash

Hey all -

Does anyone have a known working configuration setup for an up-to-date Xiegu G90 (firmware 1.80), FLRig (2.0.04), and WSJT-X (2.6.1)? I’ve actually been able to get audio and decoding working, and even can test cat control for a very short while, but pretty quickly after launching WSJT-X, FLRig seems to crash (It goes to a “Closing flrig” screen but doesn’t actually close; have to force exit it via Windows so it’s actually crashing).

The tutorials that I’ve found online (including on Youtube) appear to be for older versions of several of these components; the latest firmware on the G90 added the USB and LSB digital modes (USB-D and LSB-D), and the actual options/checkboxes in FLRig are different in the versions of FLRig shown in videos versus what exists in the current version of FLRig. I assume it’s some checkbox or something that is causing FLRig to send or receive a command from the G90 that it doesn’t understand which is causing a crash, but I can’t be certain.

I am using my DigiRig with the “official” DigiRig cables purchased from Gigaparts (so they aren’t homebrew), and the fact that I’m able to get audio working (FT8 decodes are coming through) and, before I launch WSJT-X, cat control is working from within DigiRig (though not with full stability), it seems that things are wired up correctly.

Any ideas?

Thanks all!

–Matt N3AR

@N3AR I do not have your radio, but I do not want your question to go too long unanswered.

Unless you need flrig for a special purpose, WSJT-X can connect to the Xiegu G90 directly to do PTT and CAT control. The configuration is in Settings → Radio:

If you are using flrig, you must set Settings → Radio to flrig and not Xiegu G90.

73 Constrainted

Hey thanks for the response! I appreciate it and this is my “fallback” plan. The reason why I’d prefer to get FLRig working, though, is that I use the same computer with other digital applications, and I’d prefer to not have to reconfigure multiple applications, or close one to open another, when I want to switch around. For example, if I also use FLDigi, I’d need to ensure that I closed WSJTX out. I also do rig control and other stuff with Log4OM through FLRig (through hamlib->FLRig). Getting this stuff wired up is a slight pain in the butt, so I’m trying to maintain some consistency when I add a new “thing” (like a new radio).

It sounds like I may not be the only one having issues with the current version of FLrig, so I’m also going to check G90 and FLRig communities; this is unlikely to be a DigiRig issue (though people using a DigiRig are likely to try to set this up with FLRig, especially since that’s what Xiegu recommends to use).

Thanks again!

–Matt N3AR

Thanks for your explanation. It seems that you see how Digirig is not the issue here.

flrig is open source, so you can check the flrig.txt file and flrig/src/rigs/xiegu/Xiegu-G90.cxx at master · w1hkj/flrig (github.com) to see if they are keeping up with the firmware changes. I have experience doing that for a different radio.

WSJT-X uses hamlib, and I don’t know about hamlib’s approach to keeping up with flrig, but maybe look into that.

Good luck.

73 Constrainted

@N3AR We might benefit with taking a look at this Xiegu G90 thread which shows how flrig can have custom buttons programmed to remedy missing settings for the Xiegu G90.

73 Constrainted

That’s a great idea; I’ll see if there are additional updates that may solve this.

I’ve seen the custom buttons information; my issue isn’t that, it is that FLRig is actually full-on crashing.

Hey N3AR, did you ever find a resolution to this? It seems like I am having a very similiar issue.