Cable for Anytone AT-D578UV III Pro & Plus

With a little coaching from K0TX, I was able to build a working AT-D578UV cable. You have to change one setting on the radio for PTT to work: Menu / Settings / 1. Radio Set / 64. Hand Type / 2. Volt-Det.



Operation Tips

  • Set the squelch to 0: Menu / Settings / 1. Radio Set / 26. Ana Sq Level / 1. An SQ OFF
  • Change the audio to mic: Menu / Settings / 1. Radio Set / 2. Speaker Mode / 1. Mic Spk
  • Change the mic type from serial to voltage detection for PTT to work: Menu / Settings / 1. Radio Set / 64. Hand Type / 2. Volt-Det. (Note: Don’t forget to change it back to 1. Uart-Det for normal hand mic operations.)

Cable build tips
I used some Cat5 and a standard RJ-45 connector for one end and a male Tip, Ring, Ring, Sleeve (TRRS) jack on the other side. When soldering the TRRS jack, use low heat and be fast, the plastic inside will melt if you get it too hot.

Other Radio Support
I read the Alinco DR-MD500 & DR-MD520 use the same pins, so this may work on those radios too.


This is excellent! I had tried before messing around with using the Anytone 578 with another sound card interface but it didn’t work. But thanks to this, I now know there’s a setting in the menus to change the mic port from serial to a simple ground detector! Thank you for posting this!


This is from about 25 miles away using VARA 6.2.8 using my AT-D578UV and the cable.

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Hi. I am working on interfacing my AT-D578UVIII+ via Nexus DR-X and came across a post for SignaLink interface. It said not to use the speaker in the mic as it uses differential audio. The manual also indicates that pin 7 is Speaker -ve which seems to confirm this. The post said that using this would damage the radio’s audio amp. They say to use one of the speaker jacks on the rear. I would be interested in your comments on this information. BTW I will be getting a DigiRig to check it out on my VX-6R initially. Many thanks.

In the manual I found for this transceiver the note about BTL amp output is for the connector in the back but not for the front jack. The connector pinout provides separate pins for SP+ (4) and SP- (7) which leaves room for possibility of BTL on the front as well.

From previous report it appears that the cable works as above here. Still, recommendation would be to not initially ground pin 7 and try operating with just pin 4 connected. There is no danger to Digirig in any scenario.

Similar cable and BTL also discussed here: Cable for Anytone AT-778UV

Many thanks for the prompt reply and the extra info and link. I will keep going with my Nexus DR-X and check out your suggestion. About to order DigiRig as well. Cheers

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This cable is now available in store:

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Having both the AT-D578UV and a Lab599 Discovery TX-500 radios, I have experienced the balanced speaker output design. In both cases I have not connected either side of the speaker to any other signal to avoid damaging the circuit inside the radio. For the AT-D578 series radios, I have found multiple sources that confirm we should use the rear speaker output as that is not balanced and therefore I’ve built my interface cables to tap that source and left the mic jack speaker output unused. For the TX-500, I’m adding a small 1:1 audio transformer to the MIC/SP speaker output so the secondary can be tied to common before going to unbalanced headset & mic combination. Note that the DigiRig cables for the TX-500 use the CAT & REM/DATA ports so that is a completely different set of connections which are correctly used.

The manual for AT-D578UV is unambiguous about the balanced output for the rear speaker connector so I’d be suspicious of any sources stating otherwise.

from page #6:
D578UV-UserManual.pdf (2.0 MB)

There is no details for the audio output through the front RJ-45 connector. Considering that it has a smaller speaker, it would be sufficient to use an unbalanced output for it. The pinout appears to be working per discussion above. If there is new information, I’ll revise the cable and notify those who ordered it.

I’ll share the docs I’ve found while trying to get WinLink working with my AT-d578UV.

The ‘SignaLink USB with AT-D578UV’ specifically advises to use back speaker jacks and not front mic jack for speaker connection so that’s how I built my interface to a Masters Communications interface (before Digirig was selling these fine mobile interfaces). direct conflict with the manual that you have correctly pictured.

AnyTone D578UV Alternate Microphone Mode with Signalink Setup.pdf (776 KB)

SignaLink USB with AT-D578UV.pdf (93.2 KB)

I’ve been using this cable design for 6 months without issue or harm to my radio. It works great with Winlink, VarAC, and Pinpoint. The available documentation is limited, but that’s part of the fun with ham, we get to try stuff.

This wire is low voltage and drives a speaker in the mic, we are doing the same thing with the digirig. There is a setting on the radio to send the signal to the mic speaker that I recommended in the instructions. The digirig doesn’t send voltage back on this wire or we would hear feedback/distortion and digital transmission would fail.

The risk seems reasonably low and I’m comfortable using it.

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If you do this mod, there’s no need to change any mic settings in the menu. You can also use an off the shelf TRRS cable. It takes advantage of the Anytone’s built in mic speaker. Just make sure your hand mic speaker is turned on.

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Just tried out my modded mic & it’s awesome. It eliminates the need for the AT-D578 cable & allows you to not have to unplug the mic. All you need is an off the shelf TRRS 3.5mm audio cable between the hand mic & digirig. Also you can keep the hand type settings at Uart-Det instead of having to change to volt detect. It’s very handy if you are changing frequencies on the fly because you can keep the hand mic & not have to use the face of the radio to make changes & scroll through the menu without the hand mic.

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I solved the back-and-forth config problem with software. It uses your PC mic and speakers to let you transmit through the radio. Check out Home · jrobertfisher/ham-audio-bridge Wiki · GitHub

I’m looking for testers and feedback. Thanks!

I had a huge breakthrough this week. I created an audio/serial cable that supports CAT control for the AnyTone AT-D578UV.

I was also able to build a software mic to control the radio: Home · jrobertfisher/AT-D578UV-software-mic Wiki · GitHub

I had to figure out how to make the serial side of the digirig cable to make it work. I’ve tested it and am happy to report it works well!

I have the PTT hex codes posted on my Github link above. I’m looking for hex codes that control the frequency or can query data from the radio. If anyone happens to have those, please share them! I’d love to be able to make a software screen for the radio. The frequency controls are needed for software like WinLink, VarAC, etc. to enter frequencies into the VFO.


Thank you for sharing.
If you modify your software to use PTT by RTS instead of CAT commands, that will make this solution not dependent on CAT commands which are different between the transceivers.

Please post your requests if there is interest in this cable.

Denis, yes there is interest in this cable. Hopefully not a long coiled version but simply fan out the wires to the two TRRS connectors with some heat-shrink? At least, that’s how I’d build it.

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I’d like one too! :slight_smile:

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I would like a cable also

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